All Courses

G. K. Chesterton

7 hrs
Starting at $13.33/month (billed annually)


The Man, The Apologist, The Christian, The Journalist, The Novelist, The Historian, The Economist, The Internationalist, The Catholic, The Theologian, The Biographer, The Poet, and The Prophet. There's a lot of things you may call Chesterton, but well rounded would definitely be an understatement.

Gabriel Finochio delivers this course covering all these topics and more.


Heroes of the Faith

1. The Man & The Apologist Part One

Who Is Gilbert? In this lesson we dive into G.K. The Man and The Apologist, starting with his book HERETICS.

2. The Man & The Apologist Part Two

In this lesson we continue examining G.K. the Apologist, moving to his book ORTHODOXY.

3. The Christian

In this lesson we jump into G.K. The Christian, highlighting his book THE EVERLASTING MAN.

4. The Journalist

In this lesson we discover G.K. The Journalist, looking through The Illustrated London News, The Daily News, The New Witness, & GK’s Weekly.

5. The Novelist

In this lesson we look at G.K. The Novelist, citing THE NAPOLEON OF NOTTING HILL, THE MAN WHO WAS THURSDAY, THE BALL AND THE CROSS, & More.

6. The Historian

In this lesson we look at G.K. The (Meta) Historian through a quick look at A Short History of England.

7. The Economist

In this lesson we look at G.K. The Economist by examining four problems in What’s Wrong With the World: (1910) and lots more.

8. The Internationalist

In this lesson we meet G.K. The Internationalist by answering questions like "What is America?" and more.

9. The Catholic

In this lesson we meet G.K. The Catholic through his conversion and defense of Catholicism's historically sound doctrine.

10. The Theologian

In this lesson we dive into G.K. The Theologian by following his takes on St. Francis of Assisi and St. Thomas Aquinas.

11. The Biographer

In this lesson we look at G.K. The Biographer by examining Dickens (1906), George Bernard Shaw (1909), and STEVENSON (1927)

12. The Poet

In this lesson we meet at G.K. The Poet by diving into Ballad of the White Horse.

13. The Prophet Part One

In this lesson we travel into the mind of G.K. The Prophet by discovering where he would drive the stake in the ground.

14. The Prophet Part Two

In this lesson we travel into the mind of G.K. The Prophet by discovering where he would drive the stake in the ground.


Gabriel Finochio