One of the greatest sources of encouragement to me is the renewed hunger today for the Word of God, especially among young believers. In a culture saturated with superficiality and addicted to the often mindless interactions of social media, Christian leaders have too often resorted to reducing the Biblical content of their messages to a level resulting in spiritual starvation among the sheep. They have forgotten that the only authority the preacher carries is that of the message we have been given. If you dilute the message in the deluded idea it will make it more appealing, you dilute your authority. And in the end, people stop listening. And leave. And then we wonder why we are losing the younger demographic in church.
The Bible is meant to be a lethal weapon in our hands. But if we don’t understand how to use it, it won’t work for us. Or worse yet, it may backfire. That is what I see happening far too often.
This course addresses ten ideas in the Bible we often get wrong, but need to get right. It does so in ten short and concise videos, based on my book No Diving. I hope it helps you - David Campbell
9. Heresies - Heresy Hunters
Lesson 1: Faith | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
2. Foundations - Eschatology
Lesson 2: Eschatology | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
3. Foundations - Worship
Lesson 3: Worship | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
4. Foundations - Money
Lesson 4: Money | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
5. Foundations - Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
Lesson 5: Baptism Of The Holy Spirit | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
6. Foundations - Prophecy
Lesson 6: Prophecy | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
7. Foundations - The Kingdom Of God
Lesson 7: The Kingdom Of God | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
8. Foundations - Law and Grace
Lesson 8: Law and Grace | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
9. Foundations - The Church
Lesson 9: The Church | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible
10. Foundations - Healing
Lesson 10: Healing | Theological Foundations
10 ways to avoid the shallow end of your faith and go deeper into the Bible