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Healing is a significant part of our inheritance as Christians. It has often been misunderstood. It has been discarded where the church has lost touch with the desire of God to heal. It has been abused by unscrupulous individuals preying upon the sick for financial or ministry gain. It is hard to uphold in our western society where, on the one hand, we have an abundance of medical help and on the other, our belief system even in the church has become heavily influenced by the humanistic rationalism of our age which denies the reality of the supernatural.

Yet healing is important to God. It was very important to Jesus, who spent a good deal of His time engaged in it. It should be important to us. It is all the more vital, therefore, for us to establish an understanding of healing which is completely Scriptural and upon which we can with confidence begin to move out in faith.


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1. Healing

This lesson provides a Scriptural understanding of healing upon which we can build our faith.


Dr. David Campbell